Friday, July 17, 2009


Last night, or should I say morning, I called the two different apartment complexes on my courtesy officer list... And now I have a choice to make....and it's a difficult one.

The first complex I called is not in the city I work in. They only have 1 bedroom apartments available and the courtesy officer position is extremely simple--so they tell me anyway. Get this, the rent... is free. And utilities? Free (except electric). That sounds just about perfect. Almost. The downfall? No washer/dryer hookups!!!!!! Can you believe this?! Where am I supposed to do my laundry? Now, they tell me they have laundry facilities on the property. But so what? I have a uniform I wash just about daily. I don't trust leaving my clothes unattended in a laundry facility for two hours, especially with my uniform in the mix. And I don't have the kind of time to sit in a laundry room for 2 hours while they're being washed and dried.

The second complex I called is in the city I work in. That has its downfalls... My coworkers will patrol the area, possibly keep an extra eye on my apartment building. Which is good...Until I start getting the questions. You know, the "where were you last night?" or "who was that parked outside of your place?". Basically, I will have a certain lack of privacy by living there. I'm not completely sure my coworkers would really keep that close of an eye on me, but, they are cops. And cops are suspicious, curious and nosey by nature (myself included). This specific apartment complex only has 2 bedroom apartments available. Which is great if I want a roommate. AND they have washer/dryer hookups. The discount is unknown though. Originally when they called, they said they would not give it to me for free but they didn't know the discount. I explained to them that because I'm a cop for their city, I do have more connections, and they're asking me to do more work than the other complex, so they should reconsider giving it to me for free. Not to mention, back when they had different management, it used to be free for officers. But, I don't know. They might only offer half off.

So what do I do? Half off is still good... But really only if I have a roommate to pay that other half. Paul is still deciding. Free rent and utilities is really really good. But the washer/dryer hookup thing is really bothering me. Last thing I want is for my uniform to get stolen while it's in the dryer.

Decisions, decisions.