Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've moved from one living location to another 3 times within the past year and a half. And here I am about to move again- on July 29th.

I hate moving. I absolutely despise it. I hate packing and I hate the physical moving of the boxes/furniture. I hate unpacking and having all of my things unorganized and difficult to locate. I hate the stress of it all.

But, I don't really have a choice. My current roommate is getting married and I don't feel like living with a married couple. Not to mention, her fiance's twins are moving in and they need my room. It's all happening incredibly fast. I'll be honest... I'm not exactly thrilled with how fast it all needs to happen. I didn't get much all.

At the same time, it'll be nice to have my own place again. A new beginning, in a sense. While living here, as much good as it did me, it stressed me out really bad too. For a few reasons. One would include that this isn't my house. Yeah, I pay rent, but I feel as though I live at my parent's house. I can't have visitors here that my roommate doesn't know personally. I understand why (she has kids, is going through a custody battle, is a cop and doesn't trust people). But it sucks. A lot. She's a neat freak, which I've became accustomed to and I think she's rubbed off on me in a good way here. But, still. Too many rules for supposedly being on my own. Plus, we're both a cop in the same county (different cities) and that makes a difference too. As much as you want to say it all stays at home, it doesn't.

So I am happy that I'm getting my own place again. I'm not happy about the short amount of time I have to get out and moved. She gave me until August 9th, so her and her fiance have time to move his kids' stuff here before the wedding (August 18th). But, I have a NAWLEE conference (National Association of Women Law Enforcment Executives) that week and just prior to that I have off duty work and court. And to make expenses even worse, my tags are due for renewal.

I should be ok with expenses though. There are at least two apartment complexes that offer a courtesy officer position. This means that I can live there at some sort of discount if I act as the complex's security. Different complexes offer different discounts. It can range from 25% off to free rent. Guess which one I want? :) So, I'm currently in the process of finding the best discount. There is one complex that pays for all utilities except electric. I need to call to find out the courtesy officer discount there (I'm hoping for 50% or free). There's another complex that should offer free rent. Previously they had to the officers of that city (my city), but they changed management. So, I'm in the process of convincing them to allow that again. Pray for me!

Also, in addition, I might have a new roommate. If I do, my roommate will be Paul. Paul is an exboyfriend of mine and I've known him for close to 5 years now. Some people might consider this a bad move (being he was an ex) but I don't. Paul strictly is a friend and I can honestly say I have no intimate feelings for him anymore. It wouldn't bother me at all if he had another woman over at the house- unless it prohibits me from sleeping. :P Plus, might I add that male roommates are so much easier to deal with than females? Can I get an amen on that?

We'll see. I'll spend this morning calling the complexes and figuring out discounts. Here's hoping for the best!