Saturday, September 5, 2009


I was just reading my last post, and it's kind of funny because I made it sound like I never work out. That's not what I meant. I used to work out daily. Running usually. But then I messed up my back pretty bad a few months ago and it put me on light duty for about a month. I had to go to physical therapy 3 times a week, see a specialist, and all sorts of things.

My back isn't really all that better. It's just functional. There's no "cure" to my back problems, so I have to deal. The therapist (who I had to stop seeing for financial reasons) advised that I don't work out that hard. They wanted me to come in and take things (very) slowly... Eh. I'm not a big fan of physical therapy. Honestly, I don't feel that it helped me. They had me doing stupid little exercises that was supposed to help me and it never did. I think that by telling me not to work out and to just come into therapy was their way of draining my pockets. They knew I wanted to get back to running and by telling me that I couldn't run until I did their little therapy thing was a way to get me to keep coming... I don't know. Maybe I am just that skeptic and untrusting. But I stopped going.

Then I started to work out again. And my running has suffered, big time. I can't run nearly as far or long anymore and frankly, that pisses me off. I used to be able to run 3 miles straight. I would be tired but I could do it non stop. Now, it's difficult to run one mile. Today I ran a little over a mile, but I had to walk. My back and legs start to hurt. Mainly my legs, then my back will face the consequences later. It's frustrating as hell and frankly, embarassing. Now...I can sprint. I love sprinting- which is good for work. It's the long distance stuff that's killing me.

Long distance running improves your ability to sprint. It also improves your endurance when in a fight (they say 1 minute of fighting is equivalent to running 1 mile). So, running is a big deal. And to be quite honest, I absolutely hate running. But it's good for me so I do it.

I talked to one of my coworkers today about rebuilding my endurance. He gave me some tips. I'm going to hit the gym as often as I can (I'm going to try to go every day) and get my running back to where it needs to be. And like I said in the last post, I'm on a "diet"... I hate calling it that because if I call it a "diet" I'll fail. So, I'm "eating healthy". Proteins, veggies and nutrician bars. Fruit occassionally, when I have a sugar craving.

I have a really busy week coming up... I worked last night- DUI Enforcement with a coworker. We arrested two DUI's and I got off at about 4am (started at 11pm). I work off duty (off duty is a term used for when I work a job outside, but related to, the PD... It's almost always security work for people or companies) at the bank today from 0845 til 1pm. Then I'm going to come home, sleep and wake up to do more off duty from 11pm to 7am.

Then I work Sunday. Have off duty Monday morning... Work Monday night. Supposed to go to my brother's restaurant that he's opening up in KCK on Tuesday evening. Work Tuesday night. Have a meeting Wednesday morning. Work Wednesday night. Have a counselor appointment Thursday morning. Work Thursday night. Have court that I'm testifying at Friday morning and I'll be off on my weekend (Friday night/Saturday night).

And I'm hoping to get my work outs in there somewhere...

Talk about one hell of a week huh? I did it on purpose. I need the money!